Belkis Ramirez: Journal d'une résidence extraordinaire! An AIR experience as not often seen...

Rédigé par [L'Arto Team] le Vendredi 11 Octobre 2013 à 04:03

L'Artiste dominicaine, Belkis Ramirez, du groupe Quintapata nous a comblés! Une superbe conférence à l'Espace régional, des ateliers pour les étudiants en art, des rencontres, des discussions en ateliers...que du bonheur! Merci à toi Belkis...

The Dominican artist Belkis Ramirez, from the group Quintapata gave us great treats! A superb conference, workshops for art students, meetings, visit in her studio... a real pleasure all along! A BIG THANK YOU to you Belkis!

Belkis Ramirez en Guadeloupe Sept-Oct 2013. Photos principales: Hélène Valenzuela

Belkis talking to the press after her conference

Belkis Ramirez's conference, in presence of Madame Kacy-Bambuck, President of Culture at the Regional Council of Guadeloupe

Artwork from the artist Belkis Ramirez, presented at the conference

Members of L'Artocarpe, Henri, helping out at he conference

A great opportunity to meet with the Dominican community of Guadeloupe. L'Artocarpe adresses its thanks to Eduardo Perez and his wife Pilar.

Workshop in Basse-Terre au Lycée Gerville-Réach.

Belkis doing a woodcut and engraving in front of the students

Meeting artist member Nikki Elisé and teacher Christophe Gorin at the art shop

Working with Sophie d'Ingianni, art critic and member of L'Artocarpe

A drink with members at L'Artocarpe

Showing studio to Director of the Edgar Clerc Archeological Museum, Mrs Guimares

Encouraging young artist Samy D'Alexis before he returns to his art school in France.
Merci à Hélène Valenzuela (Photos principales); à Mylène Soliveau (Communication); à Franck Solvet (Assistance Production); à Franck Séguéla (Assistance administrative); à Eduardo et Pilar Perez (Traduction); ainsi qu'aux artistes de L'Artocarpe!
| Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe le Vendredi 11 Octobre 2013 à 04:03