Contemporary Art contemporain Guadeloupe L'Artocarpe French Caribbean America Americas best artists Joëlle Ferly Founder

L'Artocarpe's network continues to be active: after the residency of Marc Marie-Joseph (June 2015), Henri Tauliaut & Annabel Guérédrat all from Martinique, it is the turn of Paris-based member Isabelle Levenez to cross the Atlantic to be at L'Artocarpe for a month. The artist is to meet you on Saturday 22nd August at 4pm. L'artiste Isabelle Levenez vous donne RDV à L'Artocarpe Samedi 22 Août 2015 à 16h00

Isabelle Levenez's work spans over performance, video, painting. A fantastic work to discover...
Isabelle Levenez's work spans over performance, video, painting. A fantastic work to discover...

Artwork from Isabelle Levenez
Artwork from Isabelle Levenez
Isabelle Levenez vous donne RDV à L'Artocarpe Samedi 22 Août 2015 à 16h00 pour une restitution de sa résidence. Venez nombreux!

Comment venir à L'Artocarpe? Téléchargez ci-dessous:

Artwork from Isabelle Levenez
Artwork from Isabelle Levenez

Isabelle Levenez (r.) during a meeting with L'Artocarpe Paris members. Raymond Spartacus (l.) and art director Régine Cuzin are also visible on the picture.
Isabelle Levenez (r.) during a meeting with L'Artocarpe Paris members. Raymond Spartacus (l.) and art director Régine Cuzin are also visible on the picture.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Jeudi 6 Août 2015 à 20:26

L'Artocarpe AIR (Artist in Residence)
L'Artocarpe Contemporary Art contemporain
L'Artocarpe (Lat. artocarpus): Arbre-à-Pain; Bread Fruit tree

55 rue Hugo
97 160 Le Moule
F - Guadeloupe
Mob: 0690 302 743 - LD: 0590 901 949
Facebook: L'Artocarpe

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04E Détail installation vagina  2012
10 P1030242
Revolution: Motion of A Body Around Another Body or Onw Its Own Axis...
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Artist of the month