Contemporary Art contemporain Guadeloupe L'Artocarpe French Caribbean America Americas best artists Joëlle Ferly Founder

L'Artocarpe is pleased to enable our readers to download information of our members. Note however that the enclosed documents are only those received so fa by the members themselves. Therefore the list is not complete...


Please download below
annabel_gueredrat.pdf ANNABEL GUEREDRAT.pdf  (110.67 Ko)


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david_gumbs.pdf DAVID GUMBS.pdf  (85.44 Ko)


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florence_poirier.pdf FLORENCE POIRIER.pdf  (83.99 Ko)


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francois_piquet.pdf FRANCOIS PIQUET.pdf  (195.46 Ko)


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henri_tauliaut.pdf HENRI TAULIAUT.pdf  (97.25 Ko)


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joelle_ferly.pdf JOELLE FERLY.pdf  (81.8 Ko)


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sebastien_mehal.pdf SEBASTIEN MEHAL.pdf  (80.75 Ko)


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sophie_d_ingianni.pdf SOPHIE D INGIANNI.pdf  (109.45 Ko)

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mardi 22 Septembre 2015 à 20:33

Two members of L'Artocarpe, Henri Tauliaut and Annabel Guérédrat have used the town of Le Moule as a backdrop for their performances. A rich experience shared with both the public and artist colleague, Jean-Yves Adelo (filmmaker) and Robert Charlotte (photographer).

Henri Tauliaut and Annabel Guérédrat performing in bar, Le Moule, Guadeloupe
Henri Tauliaut and Annabel Guérédrat performing in bar, Le Moule, Guadeloupe
All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

Henri Tauliaut & Annabel Guérédrat in residency: the town is discovering performing art
All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

Performing in the street of Le Moule
Performing in the street of Le Moule

Performing in Le Moule
Performing in Le Moule
All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

Performing in Morne-à-L'Eau cemetry, Guadeloupe
Performing in Morne-à-L'Eau cemetry, Guadeloupe
All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

At Le Moule's church
At Le Moule's church
All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

At the opening of the Memorial ACTe, july 2015
At the opening of the Memorial ACTe, july 2015
All picture credits: Robert Charlotte

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mardi 22 Septembre 2015 à 20:20

L'Artocarpe's network continues to be active: after the residency of Marc Marie-Joseph (June 2015), Henri Tauliaut & Annabel Guérédrat all from Martinique, it is the turn of Paris-based member Isabelle Levenez to cross the Atlantic to be at L'Artocarpe for a month. The artist is to meet you on Saturday 22nd August at 4pm. L'artiste Isabelle Levenez vous donne RDV à L'Artocarpe Samedi 22 Août 2015 à 16h00

Isabelle Levenez's work spans over performance, video, painting. A fantastic work to discover...
Isabelle Levenez's work spans over performance, video, painting. A fantastic work to discover...

Artwork from Isabelle Levenez
Artwork from Isabelle Levenez
Isabelle Levenez vous donne RDV à L'Artocarpe Samedi 22 Août 2015 à 16h00 pour une restitution de sa résidence. Venez nombreux!

Comment venir à L'Artocarpe? Téléchargez ci-dessous:

Artwork from Isabelle Levenez
Artwork from Isabelle Levenez

Isabelle Levenez (r.) during a meeting with L'Artocarpe Paris members. Raymond Spartacus (l.) and art director Régine Cuzin are also visible on the picture.
Isabelle Levenez (r.) during a meeting with L'Artocarpe Paris members. Raymond Spartacus (l.) and art director Régine Cuzin are also visible on the picture.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Jeudi 6 Août 2015 à 20:26

A lot has taken place since the beginning of the year... Check it out! (in French)

Les actualités de L'Artocarpe (sélection):
Sorry no English translation
  • Jusqu’en Nov. 2015: L’artiste Samuel Gélas, membre de L’Artocarpe, en résidence à la Cité internationale des Arts à Paris pour un an. Désigné par Régine Cuzin, Directrice artistique de L'Artocarpe, le jeune artiste guadeloupéen est l’heureux lauréat d’une résidence au sein de cette prestigieuse institution.
  • Janvier 2015 : Ivelisse Jimenez (Puerto Rico), en résidence à L’Artocarpe
  • Mars 2015 : Samuel Gélas expose à la Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris.
  • Mars 2015: L’Artocarpe reçoit 11 artistes de Miami en résidence. Ils sont représentés par Rosie Gordon Wallace (DVCAI).
  • Avril 2015 : Sébastien Mehal, membre de L’Artocarpe Paris expose à la Fondation Clément.
  • Mai 2015: L'Artocarpe présent à l'ouverture du Mémorial ACTe le 10 mai 2015
  • Mai 2015: Henri Tauliaut, membre de L'Artocarpe, représente la Guadeloupe à la Biennale de La Havane (mai –juin 2015). Nomination de la Commissaire indépendante et Directrice de L’Artocarpe, Régine Cuzin.
  • Mai 2015: Voyage de 5 membres de L'Artocarpe à la Biennale de La Havane pour assister l'artiste Henri Tauliaut à la mise en place de son œuvre monumentale.
  • Mai 2015: Participation de Régine Cuzin, Directrice artistique de L'Artocarpe, Annabel Guérédrat, membre de L’Artocarpe et Joëlle Ferly, Fondatrice de L’Artocarpe, au colloque de Las Casas de Las Americas à La Havane, avec Yolanda Wood.
  • Mai 2015: Participation de Joëlle Ferly, Fondatrice de L'Artocarpe à la Conférence des CARIBBEAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION, à New Orleans, USA.
  • Juin 2015: Annabel Guérédrat, membre de L'Artocarpe Martinique, présente sa performance A Freak Show For S à Miami. En partenariat avec la structure DVCAI.
  • Juin 2015: Kelly Sinnapah Mary, membre de L'Artocarpe Guadeloupe expose au MoCADA, à New York.
  • Juin 2015: Marc Marie-Joseph*, membre de L’Artocarpe Martinique, en résidence à L’Artocarpe
  • Juillet 2015: Henri Tauliaut et Annabel Guérédrat*, membres de L’Artocarpe Martinique, performent au Mémorial ACTe. En résidence à L’Artocarpe
  • Juillet 2015: David Gumbs, membre de L’Artocarpe Saint Martin, en résidence en Hollande
  •  Août 2015: Isabelle Levenez*, membre de L'Artocarpe Paris, sera en résidence à L’Artocarpe.
Merci de noter que ceci n’est qu’une sélection de l’actualité des membres de L’Artocarpe.
Pour plus d’information nous contacter.
* Les résidences des membres désignés ne donneront pas lieu à une présentation au public afin de permettre aux artistes de mieux avancer sur leur projet. Cependant, de possibles rencontres informelles pourront avoir lieu, dans le cadre de leur recherche artistique, notamment.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Jeudi 6 Août 2015 à 20:21

Henri Tauliaut and Annabel Guérédrat spent their residency working a various performances in Guadeloupe and mainly in the town of Le Moule, Guadeloupe (July 2015)

L'Artocarpe is happy to see team work developing through projects between members
L'Artocarpe is happy to see team work developing through projects between members
L'Artocarpe is getting bolder! Art projects created generate more and more public interest! The artist couple, Tauliaut & Guérédrat have had a rich agenda. Since their performance at the Biennale of Havana, they were invited to perform at the opening of the Caribbean Festival of Images at the newly opened Memorial (July 2015).

Henri Tauliaut et Annabel Guérédrat in residence at L'Artocarpe
Henri Tauliaut et Annabel Guérédrat in residence at L'Artocarpe

Debriefing with art director Régine Cuzin (via Skype) and artist colleague Marielle Plaisir (based in Miami)
Debriefing with art director Régine Cuzin (via Skype) and artist colleague Marielle Plaisir (based in Miami)

Members gathering to present some extract of their work. With dancer Raymonde Torin.
Members gathering to present some extract of their work. With dancer Raymonde Torin.

The artists got to meet with the locals, through their work and improvised meeting
The artists got to meet with the locals, through their work and improvised meeting

Annabel Guérédrat et Henri Tauliaut en performance au Mémorial ACTe. Photo: Robert Charlotte
Annabel Guérédrat et Henri Tauliaut en performance au Mémorial ACTe. Photo: Robert Charlotte

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Jeudi 6 Août 2015 à 20:03

Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) celebrated its 40th birthday last May 2015 in New Orleans, with a well attended conference... Joëlle Ferly presented her paper published here (in French)

Jamaica Kincaid at the CSA conference, New Orleans, May 2015
Jamaica Kincaid at the CSA conference, New Orleans, May 2015

Art Mémoriel sans Pathos. Les descendants d'esclaves ont (aussi) inventé l'art moderne et l'art contemporain. Une revisite d'oeuvres d'artistes de la Caraïbe francophone.

A télécharger / Full text (in French) to download below.

CSA conference in New Orleans, May 2015
CSA conference in New Orleans, May 2015

Fabienne Kanor (Martinique-France -  New Orleans) delivering her conference
Fabienne Kanor (Martinique-France - New Orleans) delivering her conference

Daniel Goudrouffe (photographer, Guadeloupe - USA) delivering his conference.
Daniel Goudrouffe (photographer, Guadeloupe - USA) delivering his conference.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 21:22

L'Artocarpe is ending a long and very busy season off site, with many members making it to the top level of the contemporary art scene and art opportunities...

A visit to Harlem and to The Studio Museum
A visit to Harlem and to The Studio Museum
L'Artocarpe has never been so active!
Members have gathered together to offer a team effort to one of our fellow in need to perform well...
Whether at the Clement Foundation in Martinique (April 2015) with Sebastien Mehal pairing up with Joëlle Ferly who took over the theoretical side of the member's first solo exhibition in Martinique, though his native island; or in Cuba, where several members took part in Henri Tauliaut's superb presentation of his installation right in the heart of the Biennale of Havana (May 2015); or again in the US, where two members, Annabel Guérédrat and Kelly Sinnapah Mary were opening on the same night (june 2015), respectively in Miami and in New York... All those new opportunities are just a sample of what is more to come! Members are not only reaching out of the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, but are going very far indeed... China is next on the card, for another member yet to announce his victory in securing a top-range residency...


Kellys' opening exhibition in NY, June 2015, MOCADA. Kelly Sinnapah Mary, member of L'Artocarpe with fellow artists from the DVCAI US based platform, Groana and Juana and Joëlle Ferly, founder of L'Artocarpe
Kellys' opening exhibition in NY, June 2015, MOCADA. Kelly Sinnapah Mary, member of L'Artocarpe with fellow artists from the DVCAI US based platform, Groana and Juana and Joëlle Ferly, founder of L'Artocarpe
We are very proud at L'Artocarpe to be putting contemporary art practices from our shores to the rest of the world...

Details of Kelly's installation piece. Mocada June 2015
Details of Kelly's installation piece. Mocada June 2015

Visiting a show at the NYU Gallery.
Visiting a show at the NYU Gallery.
A trip off is just a good way to exchange, visit other type of exhibitions, meet new art professionals and plan new type of events...
L'Artocarpe has no doubt made a C change since the arrival of the new Art Director, that enables greater encouragement, feedback and in turn, greater opportunities and recognition.

With members now affirming themselves on the international scene, it is to hope that L'Artocarpe will also remain one of the leading artist platform to successfully promote contemporary art at large.

Many more is to follow with other members becoming successful in securing more art opportunities abroad, with China coming up for one of L'Artocarpe's member...enough said! 

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 20:03

With its 7 years of running, L'Artocarpe is now able to reflect back on the interesting changes that have occurred on the art scene, with major consequences to be kept into the discussion for all L'Artocarpe's members.

NYU gallery visit, New York. July 2015
NYU gallery visit, New York. July 2015
Since the arrival of top range curator Régine Cuzin, L'Artocarpe members have seen many changes within its organization. Many artists who were not prepared to adjust their practice to a professional pace decided to leave the group. Others, who were not happy of the uneven type of practices displayed in the galleries, welcomed the initiative and took up their membership!
We cannot satisfy everyone: one may say. However, there is no doubt that along with professionalism comes more interesting opportunities.

And L'Artocarpe may be just at the beginning of such revolutionary process. One may ask however: to which extend do artist members want to go global? It is all too well to reach the shores of Miami, Big Apple and the like, but what are the values behind the art scenes of such places? Does L'Artocarpe is to become a money focused artist organization, as many others have been forced to do, in order to survive? Are art practices to be compromised in the process of opening up to the global scene?

All those questions will become the interest of internal debates for all members who are no doubt really eager to make it to the art scene while being also in fear of the strings attached.

Joëlle Ferly presenting her work to students of the University of Massachussetts (UMASS), Boston, July 2015
Joëlle Ferly presenting her work to students of the University of Massachussetts (UMASS), Boston, July 2015
While it becomes very exciting to witness the dynamics of all members in relation to their own development, it may also be a need to pause and reflect onto where precisely the frenetic succession of art events may lead us to, as an organization, primarily, as this is what L'Artocarpe is about, but as isolated artists too.

In setting up, and taking part in, many international conferences over the last three years (Jamaica, Birmingham, Martinique, Cuba, New Orleans...), it has been possible to draw a list of key points that may need to be addressed urgently, should we need to remain as an entity.

Martiniquean writer Fabienne Kanor in New Orleans about to start her conference for the Caribbean Studies Association in New Orleans, where she now lives.
Martiniquean writer Fabienne Kanor in New Orleans about to start her conference for the Caribbean Studies Association in New Orleans, where she now lives.

Indeed, the creation of art work cannot go solo: a need for theoretical support is also to be fully included within L'Artocarpe's team. So far visiting academics and local art critic members have given us some rhetorical food, however, it seems, not enough to fully project ourselves once in the arena of the "Whole World" as Glissant would put it.

Meeting up with our network, i.e. those creative people and academics from the Diaspora living abroad, enables some interesting discussions and exchanges. However, one remains frustrated to not see such richness been regularly put together over an annual event which could therefore offer food for thoughts to all. There are indeed, little venues whereby academics AND artists really meet. It is either... or...not "and"! 

On display in a NY private gallery
On display in a NY private gallery
Contemporary art has however received huge criticism in the Western world. For various reasons, which are not in need to be recalled here, but in particular for becoming a space where freedom has compromised with a rather cynical picture of the politics and economics taking over creativity.

The Caribbean scene was so far exempt of such label: however, it seems that a U turn is about to take place...

Is that what artists from the French Caribbean want?

A question to be put to all of us...

Joëlle Ferly - L'Artocarpe's founder

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 15:41

Meet Annabel Guérédrat: 9:30am - Hosted in partnership with and at The Betsy Hotel, DVCAI presents Annabel Guérédrat. Guérédrat will speak about her work as a choreographer, dancer, and performer. A light breakfast will be served.

Annabel Guérédrat is a member of L'Artocarpe
Annabel Guérédrat is a member of L'Artocarpe
Choreographer, dancer, and performer of Martinique, Guérédrat studied at the Sorbonne, and is a Somatic Educator of the Movement in Body Mind Centering. She has also studied Sphota improvised music and has danced with the Orisha Company (Afro-Brazilian dance), as well as Pilates, yoga Iyengar & Ashtanga.  Combined, these various techniques are integrated into her dance, creating movements and gestures that feel very personal and sensitive. 

Performance at MADE at the Citadel
8:00pm - Join us at MADE at the Citadel for an on-site performance. Guérédrat will present 'A Freak Show for S', a tribute to the Black Venus, Sarah Baartman. The common thread is the Hottentot women exposed, naked like animals fair in Europe in the early nineteenth century.

With special thanks to Rosie Gordon Wallace, Director of DVCAI

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Dimanche 14 Juin 2015 à 18:12

Guadeloupean artist Henri Tauliaut can be very proud of himself: not only he successfully got the interest of the Biennale Committee to represent Guadeloupe at this year new edition of the biennale of contemporary art, but he also succeeded in finalizing his experimental project that he previously had worked at L'Artocarpe while in residence: Jungle Sphere.

Annabel Guérédrat performing inside Henri Tauliaut's piece at the Opening of the Biennale of Havana, Cuba, May 2015
Annabel Guérédrat performing inside Henri Tauliaut's piece at the Opening of the Biennale of Havana, Cuba, May 2015
Well done to Henri Tauliaut and Annabel Guérédrat, both members of L'Artocarpe for their fantastic launch of the Jungle Sphere 3.0, which has required a real technical ability to achieve the building of the double sphere.
The piece takes plants out of their environment to have them experience a new way of surviving in a fully recreated environment.


Visitors appreciating the work.
Visitors appreciating the work.
Annabel Guérédrat perfromance added to the theme of the biennale, which focused on experimentation.

Centro Lam, La Havana, Cuba. The heart of the Biennale
Centro Lam, La Havana, Cuba. The heart of the Biennale
Members of L'Artocarpe went to Cuba to assist Henri to set up his monumental piece as well as enjoy discovering the biennale.

L'Artocarpe art director and independent curator, Regine Cuzin and Mr Bernard Hayot, President of Fondation Clement in Martinique. They are in Henri Tauliaut's piece at the opening.
L'Artocarpe art director and independent curator, Regine Cuzin and Mr Bernard Hayot, President of Fondation Clement in Martinique. They are in Henri Tauliaut's piece at the opening.
Henri was well supported by L'Artocarpe engineering and members. But above all by our art director Regine Cuzin who facilitated many things.


Regine Cuzin presenting L'Artocarpe in conference a las Casas de las Americas
Regine Cuzin presenting L'Artocarpe in conference a las Casas de las Americas

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Dimanche 24 Mai 2015 à 15:24
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L'Artocarpe AIR (Artist in Residence)
L'Artocarpe Contemporary Art contemporain
L'Artocarpe (Lat. artocarpus): Arbre-à-Pain; Bread Fruit tree

55 rue Hugo
97 160 Le Moule
F - Guadeloupe
Mob: 0690 302 743 - LD: 0590 901 949
Facebook: L'Artocarpe

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Revolution: Motion of A Body Around Another Body or Onw Its Own Axis...
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Artist of the month