Contemporary Art contemporain Guadeloupe L'Artocarpe French Caribbean America Americas best artists Joëlle Ferly Founder

They've chosen L'Artocarpe as a space to work, work and work! They are members who come for the first time, for second time and for the third time in residence in our space. A way for them to experiment, reflect, connect prior to go on exhibiting their artworks... Thank you to all our members for choosing L'Artocarpe...

  • Sébastien Méhal en résidence à L'Artocarpe Juillet - Sept 2014
  • Joëlle Ferly en résidence au Japon jusqu'en Sept 2014 - Soutien DRAC
  • Florence Poirier Nkpa en résidence à L'Artocarpe 15 Sept - 15 Oct 2014 - Soutien DRAC
  • Henri Tauliaut en résidence à L'Artocarpe 18 Octobre - 3 Novembre 2014 - Soutien DRAC
  • David Gumbs en résidence à L'Artocarpe 1er - 14 Décembre  2014 - Soutien DRAC

Merci à la Direction des Affaires Culturelles de nous accorder sa confiance

Installation d'Henri Tauliaut, qui revient en résidence pour la troisième fois à L'Artocarpe!
Installation d'Henri Tauliaut, qui revient en résidence pour la troisième fois à L'Artocarpe!

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Dimanche 1 Juin 2014 à 15:40

This is a discussion between two artists on the purpose of doing a residency. Linda Lenssen (The Netherlands) and Joëlle Ferly (Guadeloupe) are presenting their view on the benefits of doing art residencies.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Lundi 26 Mai 2014 à 21:35

Following her two months residency at L'Artocarpe, Dutch artist Linda Lenssen is now opening up her studio to the public. Her last party is held at famous art figure Joël Nankin's studio! A nice way to say goodbye to Guadeloupe... Many Thanks Linda for all your time and exchange. All the best for the rest!

Photographs and video pieces were visible in the studio of the artist who was eager to present her work to visitors.
Her last meeting with the art scene was further emphasized by going to the opening of Joel Nankin's art studio, which was presenting two young figures: Anais Verspan and Ronald Cyrille.

Drums and singing were (of course!) at the render-vous: just a nice way to end up a two-month residency in traditional Guadeloupean style.

A last visit to Jorge Rovelas jewelry presentation before boarding her plane is to sum up Linda Lenssen's time on our shore...

Many thanks to you Linda for having shared our art and culture.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Dimanche 25 Mai 2014 à 04:24

Come and view the art project undertaken by the artist in residence, Linda Lenssen (The Netherlands), during her 2 month-residency at L'Artocarpe!
Restitution des travaux de l’artiste Linda Lenssen (Pays-Bas), réalisés lors ses deux mois de résidence en Guadeloupe
Lieu: à L'Artocarpe – entrée libre

Open day studio: 23 + 24 May / Journées Portes Ouvertes
L'Artocarpe vous invite à découvrir le travail de Linda Lenssen (Pays Bas), réalisé lors de sa résidence de 2 mois en Guadeloupe.
La visite de son atelier permettra au public de voir une pratique d'art contemporain en pleine évolution, d'engager le dialogue avec l'artiste et d'avoir une meilleure compréhension des attentes des professionnels et institutions d'art contemporain.
Merci de noter les horaires d'ouvertures différents pour le vendredi et pour le samedi et l'annulation du pot de fin de résidence le samedi soir. 
Journées Portes ouvertes à L'Artocarpe
Vendredi 23 Mai: 10h00 - 13h00 et 15h00 - 18h00
Samedi 24 Mai matin: 10h00 - 13h00.  
Samedi 24 Mai: 13h30 Pot / déjeuner pour la fin de la résidence de Linda  -Sur réservation uniquement (places limitées) 

Vendredi 23 Mai au soir: (20h30) L'Artocarpe ira soutenir les jeunes artistes à l'atelier de Joël Nankin...
Samedi 24 Mai: 19h30 Pot pour la fin de la résidence de Linda  - Annulé ! Annulé ! Annulé ! Annulé ! 

L'Artocarpe : 55 rue Hugo, Le Moule (deux rues derrière la poste centrale)
Tél :  06 90 30 27 43 / 05 90 90 19 49                     

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Lundi 19 Mai 2014 à 21:51

During her two month-residency Linda Lenssen is developing her project while taking the time to visit art projects taking place on the island. Let's follow her...

Linda Lenssen (The Netherlands) will be in a 30 years time able to say: "I was there in Guadeloupe when the Memorial ACTe was built up!"
An unusually busy day started with a visit on site of the future Cultural Center, in Pointe-à-Pitre, followed by her presentation of her work at L'Artocarpe in Le Moule, followed by the opening of the exhibition for 3 members of L'Artocarpe in Lamentin, under the curatorship of our member and art critic Scarlett Jésus, to end up with the event of the Terra Festival itself What a fantastic day, meeting members, art professionals, visiting cultural spaces and exchanging with the general public...

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Dimanche 27 Avril 2014 à 13:56

L’Artocarpe is happy to have you coming up and meet with Linda Lenssen from The Netherlands. L'Artocarpe vous propose des rencontres avec l’artiste Linda Lenssen (Pays Bas). Linda is to go to Martinique to visit members on the sister island.


Actuellement en résidence à L’Artocarpe jusqu’au 25 Mai 2014

- Arts visuels -

Dates de la visite en Martinique: à venir


Samedi 26 avril - Guadeloupe

16h00 - 18h30

Présentation du travail de l’artiste en conférence

Lieu: à L'Artocarpe – entrée libre (places limitées - réservation conseillée)


Journées Portes ouvertes 

Vendredi 23 Mai: 10h00 - 13h00 et 15h00 - 18h00

Samedi 24 Mai: 10h00 - 13h00 

Restitution des travaux de l’artiste réalisés lors de sa résidence en Guadeloupe

Lieu: à L'Artocarpe – entrée libre


Samedi 24 Mai: 19h30

Pot pour la fin de la résidence de Linda  - Contribution bienvenue (boisson / plat) !


L'Artocarpe : 55 rue Hugo, Le Moule (deux rues derrière la poste centrale)

Tél :  06 90 30 27 43 / 05 90 90 19 49                   

télécharger l'affiche / download the poster 

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mardi 22 Avril 2014 à 17:38

L'Artocarpe is pleased to announce that the next resident is visual artist Linda Lenssen, coming from The Netherlands.
Linda shall be with us from 8th April until 25 May 2014.

Linda Lenssen is the laureate of our call to artist held at the end of last year. L'Artocarpe is taking the opportunity to thank all participants who have sent over their portfolio. Taking the time in applying to our space for a residence, is a sign of the interest to come to Guadeloupe and share with artists from the island on various things: ideas, art techniques among others.

« My work deals with the duality between the visible and the imaginable, between concrete and conceivable. There is a gap between the physical limitations of man and his imagination. Humans are able to envision things that are not accessible by the possibilities of the mind. In my work I want to reach these inaccessible items. Performing these impossible acts, visualizes the paradox between presence and absence. The physical circumstances of the specific natural environment of Guadeloupe fits seamlessly within my artistic discourse in which I explore recurring parameters – minimality, islands and horizons – in both a metaphorical and literal way. This duality is already incorporated within my artistic discourse and the presence of this duality within the specific conditions of Guadeloupe will strengthen this capacity. »

Linda's residency is financed by the members of L'Artocarpe and the Direction des Affaires culturelles
Linda's residency is financed by the members of L'Artocarpe and the Direction des Affaires culturelles
As the recipient of the bursary allocated to our resident by the French Ministry of Culture (Direction des Affaires culturelles), Linda will engage in several activities with school, artist members and the general public.

We very much welcome all type of exchanges that will no doubt bring a real dynamic to our platform.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mercredi 2 Avril 2014 à 17:25

Carlos Garrido, previously in residence at L'Artocarpe, back a few years ago, is now co-chairing the project:
"Artistic Visions of Global Citizenship" for the University of Birmingham in England. L'Artocarpe shall be part of it...

L'Artocarpe is pleased to be part of art critic and curator Carlos Garrido's project, Artistic Visions of Global Citizenship, which should enable us to meet with other colleagues and further discuss on interesting themes around contemporary art, at an international level.

Please follow us when we get there in June!



Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mercredi 2 Avril 2014 à 03:25

Members of L'Artocarpe are following Belkis Ramirez who was in residence with us back in October 2013...
Welldone to you Belkis!

Belkis Ramirez's exhibition, in Dominican Republic. Our member Patrick is to visit it!
Belkis Ramirez's exhibition, in Dominican Republic. Our member Patrick is to visit it!

Mise à jour par The Team le Mardi 1 Avril 2014 à 16:03

21 members of L'Artocarpe, artists, art critic as well as volunteers, were all working over 4 days, on the rethinking the future of L'Artocarpe. A real opportunity for exchange, brainstorming and consolidation of what we are...

Mise à jour par The Team le Jeudi 27 Mars 2014 à 22:01
1 ... « 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 » ... 34

L'Artocarpe AIR (Artist in Residence)
L'Artocarpe Contemporary Art contemporain
L'Artocarpe (Lat. artocarpus): Arbre-à-Pain; Bread Fruit tree

55 rue Hugo
97 160 Le Moule
F - Guadeloupe
Mob: 0690 302 743 - LD: 0590 901 949
Facebook: L'Artocarpe

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04E Détail installation vagina  2012
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Revolution: Motion of A Body Around Another Body or Onw Its Own Axis...
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Artist of the month