Contemporary Art contemporain Guadeloupe L'Artocarpe French Caribbean America Americas best artists Joëlle Ferly Founder

Deux membres de L'Artocarpe, Hélène Valenzuela et Joëlle présentaient le projet d'exposition "Guadeloupe 2009" à la télévision RTS. Le projet est sur la grande grève de la Guadeloupe et avait été sélectionné par le commissariat de Madame Dominique Fontaine. (English translation at the end)

La grande exposition internationale du FESMAN qui se tenait à Dakar, au Sénégal, a donné lieu à la venue de 3000 artistes du monde entier. Des projets dans toute la capitale permettaient au public d'échanger, de s'instruire et de partager des moments forts avec les experts, les artistes phares tel Yinka Shonibare, invité d'honneur du festival.

La presse sénégalaise était bien au fait des événements qui ont marqué la Guadeloupe en début d'année 2009. Voulant en savoir plus sur la période "post LKP", les journalistes de presse (Sud) et de la télévision sénégalaise (RTS entre autre) ont interrogé les deux artistes et photographes venues invitées du Fesman, pour présenter le projet de 4 photographes; Hélène Valenzuela, Joseph Bigord, Yddy Clarus et Philippe Virapin autour de la video de 44 secondes de Joëlle Ferly.

Two members of l'Artocarpe took part of the Fesman in Dakar, in December 2010. They presented their project "Guadeloupe 2009", on the topic of the big strike that shook Guadeloupe, back in early 2009.

The project was selected by curator Dominique Fontaine. Journalists from Senegal, who had previously received a good coverage on the social issue of the island, got further interested in the "post LKP" social movement.

4 photographers; Hélène Valenzuela, Joseph Bigord, Yddy Clarus and Philippe Virapin presented their images alongside the funny video of Joëlle Ferly that only lasts 44 seconds.
Hélène Valenzuela presenting the exhibition project on RTS. Senegalese TV
Hélène Valenzuela presenting the exhibition project on RTS. Senegalese TV

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe le Dimanche 2 Janvier 2011 à 22:55

Deux membres de L'Artocarpe, Hélène Valenzuela et Joëlle présentaient le projet d'exposition "Guadeloupe 2009" à la télévision RTS. Le projet est sur la grande grève de la Guadeloupe et avait été sélectionné par le commissariat de Madame Dominique Fontaine. (English translation at the end)

Exhibition project
Exhibition project
La presse sénégalaise était bien au fait des événements qui ont marqué la Guadeloupe en début d'année 2009. Voulant en savoir plus sur la période "post LKP", les journalistes de presse (Sud) et de la télévision sénégalaise (RTS entre autre) ont interrogé les deux artistes et photographes venues invitées du Fesman, pour présenter le projet de 4 photographes; Hélène Valenzuela, Joseph Bigord, Yddy Clarus et Philippe Virapin autour de la video de 44 secondes de Joëlle Ferly.

Two members of l'Artocarpe took part of the Fesman in Dakar, in December 2010. They presented their project "Guadeloupe 2009", on the topic of the big strike that shook Guadeloupe, back in early 2009.

The project was selected by curator Dominique Fontaine. Journalists from Senegal, who had previously received a good coverage on the social issue of the island, got further interested in the "post LKP" social movement.

4 photographers; Hélène Valenzuela, Joseph Bigord, Yddy Clarus and Philippe Virapin presented their images alongside the funny video of Joëlle Ferly that only lasts 44 seconds.
Hélène Valenzuela presenting the exhibition project on RTS. Senegalese TV
Hélène Valenzuela presenting the exhibition project on RTS. Senegalese TV

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Dimanche 2 Janvier 2011 à 22:55

L'Artiste Andreaha San en résidence durant Janvier et Février 2010 a fait l'intérêt de la presse locale ainsi que des experts en art contemporain.

Andreaha San  dans la presse / Andreaha San in the press
(English translation at the end)
Au cours de sa résidence, Andreaha San a pu ouvrir son atelier afin de présenter le travail réalisé durant son séjour à L'Artocarpe. Son projet, Eva au delà du Paradis, incluait des vidéos, de la peinture et des dessins.

Andreaha San  dans la presse / Andreaha San in the press
Le critique d'art Christian Bracy à rencontré l'artiste afin d'écrire sur son travail. Le résultat de cette rencontre a été publié dans le numéro sur L'Insolite de la revue, Recherche en Esthétique, dirigée par Mr Berthet en Martinique.
Lors du lancement de la revue en Guadeloupe en Décembre 2010, deux membres de L'Artocarpe étaient invités à présenter leurs travaux lors du colloque.

Andreaha San  dans la presse / Andreaha San in the press
Artist Andreaha San got the attention from the local press as well as from the art professional. Although she did not present an exhibition of the work produced while at L'Artocarpe, she got to meet interested parties and talk them through her practice during the studio open days that she organised. Art critique Christian Bracy wrote an article on her work, which involves video, painting and drawings.

Andreaha San  dans la presse / Andreaha San in the press
It was later published in the art critique review, Recherche en Esthetique, edited by Mr Berthet in Martinique. A seminar took place in December 2010 to launch the issue of the revue in Guadeloupe to which two members of L'Artocarpe took part and presented their work.

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Dimanche 2 Janvier 2011 à 21:47

Plusieurs photographes et une artiste plasticienne Guadeloupéens invités au Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres, qui s'est tenu en Décembre 2010. Parmi eux, quatre membres de L’Artocarpe, Philippe Virapin, Thierry Fazian , Joëlle Ferly et Hélène Valenzuela.
Les deux dernières se sont rendues à Dakar pour représenter la Guadeloupe. Une semaine riche en échanges avec des artistes venus de toute l’Afrique, mais aussi avec la population locale, curieuse de mieux connaître la problématique Guadeloupéenne, puisque l’exposition proposée retraçait les 44 jours de grève.

Photo: Hélène Valenzuela
Photo: Hélène Valenzuela
Belated report by our photogropaher member of L'Artocarpe, Hélène Valenzuela who is sharing some views of our residency and exhibition in Dakar, Senegal back in December 2010, during the Fesman festival, which had no less than 3000 invited artists from the entire planet... 4 members of L'Artocarpe were there: Thierry Fazian from Martinique, Hélène Valenzuela and Joëlle Ferly from Guadeloupe. Pictures from Philippe Virapin were presented along with the work of 2 other photographers from Guadeloupe: Yddy Clarus and Joseph Bigor.

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe le Dimanche 26 Décembre 2010 à 02:00

La commissaire Dominique Fontaine (Canada) a invité 4 photographes de Guadeloupe à exposer autour de l'oeuvre de Joëlle Ferly. (English translation at the end)

(English translation at the end) La Maison Caribéenne de la Photographie (MCP) est heureuse et fière d’avoir une présence au Festival des Arts Nègres, via ses représentants Hélène Valenzuela, Joëlle Ferly et Philippe Virapin qui proposent des images sélectionnées par Madame la commissaire Dominique Fontaine.

Ces trois photographes vivent et travaillent en Guadeloupe. Associé à Joseph Bigord et Yddy Clarus, ce trio a décidé de rendre compte, à leur manière, des événements qu’a connu l’île de la Guadeloupe au premier trimestre 2009. La grande grève de 44 jours a fait parler d’elle bien au-delà des frontières françaises. Les habitants de Guadeloupe et les visiteurs retiennent une multitude de visuels qui marqueront les mémoires pour des générations encore.

La MCP est une jeune structure associative, loi 1901 qui œuvre pour rassembler, promouvoir, éduquer et éveiller les consciences à l’art photographique caribéen.

Elle est constituée des professionnels les plus talentueux et des amateurs les plus passionnés pour partager et exposer leurs différences. Ils participent à l’éveil du public à l’image par leurs qualités pédagogiques et la transmission de leur passion.

La MCP croit aux échanges, aux croisements de conscience et aux jaillissements d’idées qui sont la sève de la diversité créative.

Alain Lacki – Directeur executif de la MCP
Facebook : Maison Caribbeenne de la Photographie

Hélèn Valenzuela, présentant le projet
Hélèn Valenzuela, présentant le projet

Curator Dominique Fontaine (Canada) invited 4 photographers to show their work in parallel with Joëlle Ferly’s video.
La Maison Caribéenne de la Photographie (MCP) – Caribbean House of Photography – is delighted to ba part of the Black World Festival in Senegal, Dakar,]url:, via its members
Hélène Valenzuela, Joëlle Ferly and Philippe Virapin who are exhibiting until December 31 at the Biscuiterie Medina in Dakar.
Those three photographers are joined by Guadeloupean photographers Joseph Bigord and Yddy Clarus, to give their own interpretation of the Big strike that took place in Guadeloupe, French Caribbean, back in 2009.
The strike lasted for 44 days and received attention from the international press even before the French national press.
Locals and tourists have kept a large amount of photographs that will remain in all memories for future generations.
In her video, the artist Joëlle Ferly revisited the strike with humour and colourful visuals.

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Vendredi 17 Décembre 2010 à 19:21

Deux artistes de L'Artocarpe participaient au colloque de la revue Recherche en Esthétique, organisé par Dominique Berthet du CEREAP au Gosier, Guadeloupe. (English translation at the end)

La revue Recherche en Esthétique vient de publier son numéro sur L'Insolite qui est disponible dans les points de ventes de revues spécialisées. Y figure notamment l'article de Christian Bracy présentant la pratique de l'artiste Andreaha San, qui était en résidence à L'Artocarpe en début d'année.

Les artistes Thierry Major et Joëlle Ferly présentaient leur pratique au colloque sur L'Insolite, organisé par le CEREAP.

Parmi les autres intervenants, il y avait Marc Jimenez, philosophe; Emile Romney, architecte; Richard Viktor Sainsily, artiste; Bruno Pequignot, sociologue...

Bonne lecture !
Latest issue from the magazine presenting artwork from Andreaha San, previously in residency at L'Artocarpe
Latest issue from the magazine presenting artwork from Andreaha San, previously in residency at L'Artocarpe

Architect Emile Romney from Guadeloupe, delivering his speech
Architect Emile Romney from Guadeloupe, delivering his speech
Two artists from L’Artocarpe took part in the conference organised by the art critic magazine
Recherche en Esthétique, under the supervision of its director, Dominique Berthet from the CEREAP.

The magazine Recherche en Esthétique has just issued its latest issue on L'Insolite (The Unusual), available in all specialised press retailers.
You will find the article from art critique Christian Bracy which presents the practice from the artist Andreaha San, who was in residency at L'Artocarpe in January February 2010.

Artists hierry Major and Joëlle Ferly introduced their work at the conference. Others members of the panels were Marc Jimenez, philosopher; Emile Romney, architect; Richard Viktor Sainsily, artist; Bruno Pequignot, sociologist...

Have a nice read !

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Lundi 6 Décembre 2010 à 23:59

André Rouillé, spécialiste de la photographie, professeur à l'Université de Paris 8 dans la département Photographie, et directeur du site d'art contemporain était notre dernier invité.

Après de nombreuses recherches sur la situation de la Guadeloupe, post 2009, cet ancien chercheur et auteur de la revue critique, La Recherche photographique, nous a présenté sa conférence mêlant art et société, au Café Jazz du Moule. Cet événement était en partenariat avec Art Bemao, qui prenait entièrement en charge la résidence et le séjour de Mr Rouillé.

Photo: DR - Portfolio consultation with André Rouillé, Director (France), Curator Claire Tancons (Guadeloupe USA) and Mario Lewis from Galvanize (Trinidad)
Photo: DR - Portfolio consultation with André Rouillé, Director (France), Curator Claire Tancons (Guadeloupe USA) and Mario Lewis from Galvanize (Trinidad)
La conférence s'inscrivait à la suite des consultations de portfolios d'artistes, en présence de la commissaire Claire Tancons (Guadeloupe, USA), Mario Lewis (Trinidad, UK) et d'André Rouillé (Paris). Avec 10 artistes inscrits à cette séance de travail, la liste était au complet: nombreux sont les artistes déçus de ne pas avoir pu obtenir du retour de ces 3 professionnels. L’Artocarpe a donc décider d’inclure au sein de ses activités régulières, des consultations de portfolios afin de mieux répondre aux attentes des artistes.

Photo: Hélène Valenzuela
Photo: Hélène Valenzuela
André Rouillé is an Historian, expert in Photography and Contemporary art. He is a professor at Paris 8 University as well as being the Director, a website addressed to contemporary art professionals and students. L'Artocarpe recommended André Rouillé to be part of Art Bemao 10, the contemporary art fair set up by artist Jean-Marc Hunt. Mr Rouillé came in residency to work on the issues faced by artists living in Guadeloupe, struggling with the realities of their double culture and their specific status imposed by French administration. Citing Martiniquean writer Patrick Chamoiseau, André Rouillé's editorial was the first review to be published in a prestigious online art magazine, offering an in-depth account of the situation of contemporary art in the caribbean region under French control.
The conference was highly attented with over 120 people assisting to the conferences of Claire Tancons, Galvanize (Tamara Tan, Steeve Ouditt and Mario Lewis) as well as that of André Rouillé. A dinner followed, during which professional photographers sat at Mr Rouillé's table to further discuss on topics related to Photography.

Photos: Hélène Valenzuela - Local photographers at Mr André Rouillé's conference. Mr Rouillé is an historian in Photography and an expert in Contemporary art theory.
Photos: Hélène Valenzuela - Local photographers at Mr André Rouillé's conference. Mr Rouillé is an historian in Photography and an expert in Contemporary art theory.

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Mardi 30 Novembre 2010 à 17:18

L'Artocarpe compte à ce jour 28 membres dont la plupart sont des artistes de Guadeloupe ou de Martinique. A ces catégories s'ajoutent les artistes de l'hexagone, du Brésil et de Trinidad.
Les artistes invités en résidence deviennent automatiquement membres de L'Artocarpe et peuvent ainsi avoir leurs oeuvres présentées sur le site. L’Artocarpe peut loger 2 artistes.
(English translation at the end)

Each artist in residence gets a private room and a studio
Each artist in residence gets a private room and a studio
L’Artocarpe peut loger 2 artistes. Il est souhaitable que les artistes de la Caraïbe obtiennent une résidence avec un artiste de l’extérieur de la Caraïbe.

Cependant si votre projet requiert la participation d’un artiste collègue ou l’hébergement de votre enfant, vos besoins seront pris en compte au cas par cas.

Two artists can be housed at the same time at L'Artocarpe. Ideally one artist from the Caribbean and one from the rest of the world.
Two artists can be housed at the same time at L'Artocarpe. Ideally one artist from the Caribbean and one from the rest of the world.
Les résidences sont de deux types : les résidences auto-financées et les résidences financées.
Pour les résidences auto-financées : les demandes se font sur simple envoi de dossier informel via email accompagné des grandes lignes du projet, de la durée de la résidence désirée ainsi que de l’intérêt de faire cette résidence en Guadeloupe. Vous recevrez en retour plus d’information sur la faisabilité de faire votre résidence à L’Artocarpe ou une structure partenaire, les modalités de la résidence, son coût et la disponibilité pour la période demandée.

Pour les résidences financées : les dossiers sont à retourner en réponse aux appels d’offre qui s’afficheront sur le site. Toutes les informations sur les modalités de la résidence, seront également affichées. Votre dossier fera l’objet d’une sélection par le comité international de l’Artocarpe.

L'Artocarpe is a quiet space in the heart of a vibrant town.
L'Artocarpe is a quiet space in the heart of a vibrant town.
(English translation)
L'Artocarpe has to date 43 members most of them are from Guadeloupe, Martinique or the rest of the Caribbean. Added to these locations are artists from France and Brazil.
Invited artists become automatically members of L’Artocarpe and can have their work displayed on the website.

L’Artocarpe is able to host two artists co-jointly. We encourage artist from the Caribbean to be in residence with an artist from outside the Caribbean. However should your project require a peer artist to work with you, of your child to be also hosted, we shall consider your need on the case by case basis.

All rooms at L'Artocarpe are interchangeable: a studio and a bedroom can become a gallery space.
All rooms at L'Artocarpe are interchangeable: a studio and a bedroom can become a gallery space.
Art residencies are of two types://: either a self-financed residency or a financed residency.
Self-financed residency: application are to be made by informal email, with some overview of the project that you wish to develop, as well as an idea of the period during which you would like to stay at L’Artocarpe and the reason why you have chosen Guadeloupe to work on your project.
You will receive a response on the feasibility of your project and the availability for the requested period as well as all the details regarding costs and criteria to be in residence at L’Artocarpe.

Financed residency: calls for artists are advertise on the website and application are to be returned in response to these calls. All details will be displayed on the website. Selection process is to be ensured by the international committee.

Artist in residence are encourage to exchange with local artists and particularly young promising talents
Artist in residence are encourage to exchange with local artists and particularly young promising talents

Artist in residence are in charge of their own timetable and activities. They are not required to have an exhibition at the end of their residency but at least to present their work during a studio open day week-end
Artist in residence are in charge of their own timetable and activities. They are not required to have an exhibition at the end of their residency but at least to present their work during a studio open day week-end

We believe that through discussions and exchange, contemporary art in Guadeloupe will be better understood by art lovers and the general public
We believe that through discussions and exchange, contemporary art in Guadeloupe will be better understood by art lovers and the general public

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Mardi 30 Novembre 2010 à 02:00

L’Artocarpe est avant tout un lieu de création artistique dans le domaine de l’art contemporain.
L’accent est mis sur l’enrichissement de la pratique de l’artiste via un apport théorique et des réflexions adaptées à son travail plutôt que sur la nécessité de montrer des œuvres à tout prix !

Exhibition at L'Artocarpe. Artist explaining his work to members of the public (2009)
Exhibition at L'Artocarpe. Artist explaining his work to members of the public (2009)
(English translation at the end) L’espace invite les artistes à expérimenter, réfléchir, travailler à plusieurs dans des disciplines jusques là non explorées afin d’affirmer le choix de leur medium et des problématiques abordées.

Toutes les expositions réalisées par, ou en partenariat avec L’Artocarpe s’appliquent à pousser l’artiste à concevoir son installation, à affiner le discours accompagnant sa propre pratique, afin que celle-ci soit en adéquation formelle avec les oeuvres présentées.

Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: all spaces are good enough to present artwork, even in the staircase (2009).
Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: all spaces are good enough to present artwork, even in the staircase (2009).
Les artistes dont la pratique n’est pas à proprement parler de l’art contemporain, peuvent utiliser cette plateforme de réflexion afin d’explorer de nouveaux horizons. C’est le cas du Photographe Philippe Virapin dont la présentation de photographies à L’Artocarpe, lui a permis d’envisager avec plus d’assurance et de maîtrise l’installation de son exposition solo au Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître en Avril 2010. Cette présentation osée, montrant une photographie par cimaise et/ou par salle, permettait au spectateur de mieux saisir les prouesses techniques des sujets représentés (des danseurs) et du photographe.

Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
L’Artocarpe encourage les artistes adhérents à repenser leurs expositions à travers des retours constructifs qui ne visent qu’à permettre à ces derniers, de mieux s’inscrire dans une pratique contemporaine de l’art. Les artistes adhérents sont fortement incités à monter leurs propres projets d’expositions en commun dans un lieu autre que L’Artocarpe, avec des structures partenaires afin de confronter leur pratique à celle d’autres artistes venant d’horizon divers.
Le but étant de pouvoir prétendre à participer à des expositions ambitieuses, hors Guadeloupe.

Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
Le batiment de L’Artocarpe est néanmoins disponible pour des expositions d’artistes confirmés, dont le dossier aura été accepté par le comité de sélection. Seront privilégiés les projets d’expositions dont la mise en espace est novatrice, les disciplines travaillées peu communes, et les formes utilisées, inédites.
L’Artocarpe soutient les expositions de ses artistes adhérents en leur assurant une communication et une visibilité en ligne.

Pour information :

Artwork conceived at L'Artocarpe and presented in Canary Islands by curator Orlando Britto, visible on the picture (2010)
Artwork conceived at L'Artocarpe and presented in Canary Islands by curator Orlando Britto, visible on the picture (2010)
Production first, then exhibition...not reverse!

L’Artocarpe is primarily a space for creativity in the field of contemporary art.
The focus is on bringing theoretical input to artist practices so as to increase chances to get more international exhibitions. In no cases we rush to have a « show » for exhibition sake !

Artists are invited to experiment new avenues for their work, reflect on new angles and try new disciplines, media to express themselves.

All exhibition events organised by or in partner with L’Artocarpe will seek to challenge the process of displaying artwork, as well as, seek to deeper the discourse that is linked to the pieces. The aim being that content and forms come to some deeper meaning than just what is being presented and continue to address topics of our contemporary life.

Artists whose practice is not considered as contemporary art can use this platform to get a better understanding of the new realities of the art industry.
More importantly, L’Artocarpe should bring some elements of responses to the various questions that you may have regarding your own practice, such as « why do I always get rejected when I send application for an exhibition ? », « how to apply for a residency abroad ? » , « what is the role of a curator ? art critique ? »… and so on and so forth.

Already artist who were not into contemporary art have used L’Artocarpe for their creative project. That is the case of photographer Philippe Virapin, who presented his images of Hip Hop dancers as two solo shows : one in Guadeloupe in April and the other in Martinique in May 2010. L’Artocarpe gave advice on presenting his work (one large scale picture per room), wrote his catalogue and ensured assistance throughout the process of setting up the shows. The exhibition received a great attendance and is now continuing to attract the interest of many venues willing to host the show. The exhibition is the first show of this photographer ready to be promoted internationally.

Likewise, L’Artocarpe encourages artists to rethink their presentation, which is often what is left aside. Through constructive feedback sessions, with external experts or advisers, art creators are able to affirm themselves a real art professionals.
Members of L’Artocarpe are invited to use the premises to work on a joint exhibition that challenges all aspects of what a presentation of artwork may be.
Should the venue be too small, or not appropriate, L’Artocarpe will assist artists to seek other venues. The aim is to maintain a high standard level of quality for presenting artwork.

Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: visitor discussing in front of a video presentation (2009)
Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: visitor discussing in front of a video presentation (2009)
L’Artocarpe building is available for hire, to mid-career artists from outside, willing to present an exhibition. You will need to send some documentation to have your application selected. Projects that can demonstrate some level of experimentation, outstanding originality and creativity are likely to be of interest.

L’Artocarpe is assisting artist members by ensuring some communication on the exhibition events that they hold. See our Facebook account : L’Artocarpe
Likewise, members are able to display their work online, once it’s been approved by the selection committee.

For further information :

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Mardi 30 Novembre 2010 à 01:09

L’Artocarpe is a new space which aim is to promote Contemporary art as well as to encourage artists from the Caribbean region, and from Guadeloupe in particular, to strengthen their practice and take on new opportunities. Please download our written project as well as our activity report (2009 - 2013) below.

© Philippe Virapin
© Philippe Virapin
L’artocarpe is the scientific name of the Bread Fruit tree (artocarpus), a symbolic way of re-using a name little known for a very common tree which is better known by its vernacular creole name of “fwiyapin” (Bred Fruit). The presence of the tree next to the building has led to a logo acknowledging its presence as a green circle overshadowing the venue, since the tree is at time spreading over the street and the house.

Bread fruit trees have historical bearing: their fruits were eaten by running slaves escaping boundage. Today, the trees continue to feed poor families and artists who are struggling with the high costs of living on an island under the growing influence of French monopoly and liberal economy.

L’Artocarpe offers art residencies, workshops, conferences, exhibitions and many other art-related activities with educational content or professional expertise. All events are set up in view of creating a space to allow challenging artworks to be produced and theoretical ideas to emerge.

Please Download our written project (French only)

Visitor viewing the artwork of  Andreaha San (Brazil) during the  studio open days
Visitor viewing the artwork of Andreaha San (Brazil) during the studio open days
Art residencies are to be at the core of the many activities managed by L’Artocarpe.

To date, there is no residency space in Guadeloupe where two artists from different world can meet, exchange and work. The rare residency spaces available can only allocate one artist at a time, are often in isolated areas and run sporadically.

Preparing for an exhibition at L'Artocarpe, in the studio 1
Preparing for an exhibition at L'Artocarpe, in the studio 1
Artists invited in residence remain for a period of time under the same roof. A private room and a studio space are allocated to them so they can work on their own practice separately or together if they wish to. Experimentation, exploring new disciplines are highly encouraged while artists are in residency since they have no obligation of finalising their time with an exhibition at the end of their stay to avoid putting pressure on them.
Artists are however required to give a conference in relation to their work and open their studio at the end of their time to the general public to offer them a better understanding of what contemporary art is.

Meeting with Claire Tancons (art critic Guadeloupe, USA), artist Christophe Cuzin (France) teacher at the National Art school of Cergy, curator Régine Cuzin (not visible here), in the Roots Café in Raizet, after a conference by Claire. Photo: Charles Chulem-Rousseau
Meeting with Claire Tancons (art critic Guadeloupe, USA), artist Christophe Cuzin (France) teacher at the National Art school of Cergy, curator Régine Cuzin (not visible here), in the Roots Café in Raizet, after a conference by Claire. Photo: Charles Chulem-Rousseau
The aim of this new residency space is to create more opportunities for peer artists from different worlds (ideally a artist from the Caribbean in residence with an artist from outside of the Caribbean), to meet, work and feedback each others’ work constructively while the work is being produced. Through this rich exchange, it is anticipated that a better knowledge of each others’ world will develop and through the residents, a better understanding of each other’s art culture will emerge. For art in the Caribbean, and in Guadeloupe specifically, suffers from the lack of interest from the French national art scene and even, due to language barrier, from the rest of the Caribbean region. Furthermore, little if any references of French Caribbean (Guadeloupean and Martiniquean) artists are known from Western art schools, including French schools, or Western art marketplaces, despite the strong intellectual and academic references that are internationally known: Franz Fanon, Edouard Glissant, Aimé Césaire, Patrick Chamoiseau and Maryse Condé being the main names that come to mind when referring to Martinique and Guadeloupe.

The Galvanize Project: Mario Lewis, Tamara Tan and Steve Ouditt (Trinidad) discussing their project presented at Art Bemao '10, curated by artist Jean-Marc Hunt
The Galvanize Project: Mario Lewis, Tamara Tan and Steve Ouditt (Trinidad) discussing their project presented at Art Bemao '10, curated by artist Jean-Marc Hunt
Through these art residencies, a dynamic platform for producing art is taking place which the assistance of professional feedback, as in the recent case of the Portfolio Review event led by three international art professionals: US-based curator Claire Tancons (Guadeloupe, US); Paris-based art critique and Photography expert André Rouillé, director fo, Trinidadian artist Mario Lewis, director of the Galvanize Project.

We too go abroad on art residency. That was the case in Senegal, Africa, where two members from L'Artocarpe went to spend a month during the Fesman. In July 2012, L'Artocarpe is partly financing the residence of artist member François Piquet in Santo Domingo.

Please download our Activity Report (2009 -2013) - French only

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe le Mercredi 3 Novembre 2010 à 03:09
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L'Artocarpe AIR (Artist in Residence)
L'Artocarpe Contemporary Art contemporain
L'Artocarpe (Lat. artocarpus): Arbre-à-Pain; Bread Fruit tree

55 rue Hugo
97 160 Le Moule
F - Guadeloupe
Mob: 0690 302 743 - LD: 0590 901 949
Facebook: L'Artocarpe

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04E Détail installation vagina  2012
10 P1030242
Revolution: Motion of A Body Around Another Body or Onw Its Own Axis...
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Artist of the month